Teacher Librarians. The unsung heroes of schools across the world, am I right?
If you're lucky enough to have a school librarian where you are, you'll know that they fulfil so many different functions - teaching, research, information literacy, media skills, technology integration and more. It takes a special kind of person to work in that kind of role, so let's just take a moment over the next week to remember them and thank them.
Tuesday 4th April is National School Librarian Day, with National Library Week happening later this month (23-29 April).
The perfect match
Some of our best Book Creator Ambassadors are librarians. Kristina Holzweiss, Heather Turner, Terri Harkey, Vickie Blankenship, and Helena Podvorac, to name but a few. And it makes sense, when you think about it.
Is there really a more perfect match than Book Creator and Teacher Librarians? Thinking about the role and responsibility of librarians, they can achieve so much of what they need to do with students using Book Creator.
If there's any Book Creator Ambassador who epitomises what can be achieved using Book Creator, it's Mira Campbell, from Toronto, Canada. She does so much to help her students and the teachers she supports to develop a love of books, reading and technology. Check out her blog posts here.
Inspire. Create. Celebrate.
In 2021 Mira authored a fantastically detailed ebook showcasing some of the experience and expertise she's gathered from 15+ years as an educator. Book Creator for Teacher Librarians is a must-read for anyone looking for ways to use technology to support students, empower teachers and allow students to demonstrate choice and voice in the classroom.
In the book, Mira takes the reader through 6 steps to success:
- Inspiration - how to source project ideas.
- Collaboration - both among teachers and students.
- Choice & voice - ideas for differentiation and sharing beyond the classroom.
- Bring to life - appsmashing multimedia into your projects to engage students and allow them to express their creativity.
- Feedback & reflection - giving specific and timely feedback is vital to allow students the time to revise their work and reflect on their learning.
- Authentic global audience - sharing work outside the classroom is a great motivator, and printing books can be a fantastic way to generate excitement at the end of a project.
You can read all about these steps in the book, where Mira draws on her own case studies from her classroom. What's more, Mira recorded a webinar explaining all of these steps in detail, which you can watch below.
So, if you do nothing else this week, please show your librarian some love 🤗♥️. Share this post with them and I'm sure they'll appreciate it!

Dan Kemp is the Marketing Director and has been working here since 2013. One of Dan’s favourite jobs is hearing the stories of how Book Creator is used to bring joy to classrooms all over the world, and he happily retells these stories on these pages!
2 Comments on “Celebrating School Librarians Day”
WE have to thank you for the opportunity.
I love the Book Creator app! It’s so easy to use and makes creating books so fun.