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How to integrate storytelling as design thinking in your classroom
Apply the design thinking process to storytelling to engage and challenge your students. Here’s how.
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Create a healthier, more productive learning experience with student portfolios
However you use digital portfolios in your learning space—as a replacement for traditional grading or as part of a mosaic of evaluation methods—you’ll help to create a culture of reflection, and a community of learners who confidently share their learning with others.
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The Higher Ed teacher’s way to make accessible and engaging presentations
When you share content, it is critical that everyone in your audience can engage with your content fully. With Book Creator, you can create a fully accessible presentation that can be enjoyed by all.
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10 ideas to support Play-Based Learning over the Summer
Here are 10 ways you can engage your students in learning over the summer – without them even realizing they are learning!
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3 reasons why Book Creator is my go-to tool in Higher Education
Are you teaching in higher education? Are you teaching remotely? This article from Dr. April Bice will make you rethink your use of virtual platforms for pedagogy.
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